We can do a little MARKETING…. Or a lot.
We can tailor a marketing plan that fits your needs and your brand. Here are some of the responsibilites that we currently handle:
Marketing Strategy
Work with clients to understand the value proposition of their brand and to develop a clear marketing strategy aligned with this.
Develop ongoing marketing plan with clear targets and deliverables.
Create and implement marketing campaigns in conjunction with other key brand stakeholders (Sales, R&D, Management).
Day-to-day marketing
Plan and execute campaigns according to equipment release dates, trade shows, competitive events and other pertinent sales events such as Black Friday.
Assist in creation of Product Books and other product focused materials where required.
Compile press releases for dealers and for general release.
Help with planning and creation of sales material for shops (displays / product tags etc)
Create web/social media assets in line with new releases and broader marketing plans.
Social Media
Day-to-day web, Instagram and Facebook management.
Plan and implement strategies (such as competitions) to turbocharge social media following.
Build an engaged audience on Instagram.
Ensure consistent brand building and messaging across platforms.
Mentor and assist to team riders, ensure they are clear in terms of their social media responsibilities, and work with them to maximise the effectiveness of this.
Regularly update your news / blog with tailored copy.
Update products and news when required.
Develop graphics using our design team where required.
Liaise with your sales team around key web and social media focus points from their perspective.
Grow mailing list, segment, and target to ensure your mailing list is working for you.
Structure and implement strategic and targeted Google Ad and FB/IG campaigns.
Test different types of ads and search terms, A/B testing.
Implement campaigns, assess impact and regularly report back.
Rider management
Link your riders up with our network of photographers and videographers around the world.
Outline expectations for content creation from your team, with regular communication to all team riders.
Plan coherent links between social media content amongst your team, and provide necessary media assets to encourage rider-generated content.