We can do a little MARKETING…. Or a lot.

We can tailor a marketing plan that fits your needs and your brand. Here are some of the responsibilites that we currently handle:

Marketing Strategy

  • Work with clients to understand the value proposition of their brand and to develop a clear marketing strategy aligned with this.

  • Develop ongoing marketing plan with clear targets and deliverables.

  • Create and implement marketing campaigns in conjunction with other key brand stakeholders (Sales, R&D, Management).

Day-to-day marketing

  • Plan and execute campaigns according to equipment release dates, trade shows, competitive events and other pertinent sales events such as Black Friday.

  • Assist in creation of Product Books and other product focused materials where required.

  • Compile press releases for dealers and for general release.

  • Help with planning and creation of sales material for shops (displays / product tags etc)

  • Create web/social media assets in line with new releases and broader marketing plans.

Social Media

  • Day-to-day web, Instagram and Facebook management.

  • Plan and implement strategies (such as competitions) to turbocharge social media following.

  • Build an engaged audience on Instagram.

  • Ensure consistent brand building and messaging across platforms.

  • Mentor and assist to team riders, ensure they are clear in terms of their social media responsibilities, and work with them to maximise the effectiveness of this.


  • Regularly update your news / blog with tailored copy.

  • Update products and news when required.

  • Develop graphics using our design team where required.

  • Liaise with your sales team around key web and social media focus points from their perspective. 


  • Grow mailing list, segment, and target to ensure your mailing list is working for you.

  •  Structure and implement strategic and targeted Google Ad and FB/IG campaigns.

  •  Test different types of ads and search terms, A/B testing.

  •  Implement campaigns, assess impact and regularly report back.

Rider management  

  • Link your riders up with our network of photographers and videographers around the world.

  •  Outline expectations for content creation from your team, with regular communication to all team riders.

  •  Plan coherent links between social media content amongst your team, and provide necessary media assets to encourage rider-generated content.